Hi! We are Nordik Simit, and pleased to meet you. As a professional photographer, you have a very impressive portfolio; we have noticed that you worked with many talented musicians such as; Robert Plant, MIA, Alt J and more. How is working with these names & do you usually have a pre-plan for the shots or they also inspire you while shooting? Would be great if you can explain a bit.
Thank you – when it comes to official music PR shoots and album covers they are always planned. This means I will come up with a concept that involves a colour scheme a specific technique, location etc. the final idea will normally be approved by management or the artist prior to the shoot. Of course, all artists are different and you never know exactly what to expect from a shoot. But often that’s what makes it all very exciting. Some artists are very easy to work with others don’t really like being photographed. This is also part of the reason why I normally like using a strong concept that will help make it all a bit more interesting.
In an era of everything is being digitalized and digital manipulation is in our daily lives (with our smart photos and apps); as a professional photographer, you use quite an interesting technic that you manipulate the actual projections and lights. Can you explain more about your technic? And do you have any advice for photography students or enthusiasts?
I grew up shooting film and think even though my work these days are shot on a digital camera I still adopted a filmic approach to my way of working and thinking. This means I shoot everything in-camera so all the projections colours and other techniques I am using I all do in-camera. I only really use photoshop for minimal cleanup. I am not really into digitally manipulated pictures. When you do things for real you often get these small mistakes it’s not always perfect but that’s what I like I think it gives the images a more real feel.
I also don’t like shooting thousands of pictures on each shoot, I like planning things Meaning I can afford to take fewer shots on the set, again something I think that comes from the film days when I could only afford to shoot a few rolls of films for each shoot I did.
As a Danish artist living in the UK; can you give us some Nordic tips for London such as; your favourite Danish/Nordic spots in London?
London is full of good places. I tend to go to the Nordic bakery on the golden square for good filter coffee and cinnamon buns – I also like Fabrique a small Swedish bakery – their cardamom buns are next level. Bread Station close by London fields a Danish bakery is a great little hidden gem.
What’s the most Nordic thing you miss in London/UK?
Maybe the fresh air and those long summer nights where it hardly gets dark and you can be out all night. And sailing I love sailing.
Any hidden locations/gems in Denmark that you would suggest to our followers to visit / or can be perfect spots for cool photoshoots?
My old Neighborhood Nørrebro and Vesterbro, where I use to live, is full of great cafes bars and independent shops. Rent a bike and pedal around Copenhagen it is fairly small got lots of bike lanes so easy to explore by bike. And bring the swimwear you can swim in the canals in the summertime.
You can find more info about Mads Perch here!
Interview by Güniz Türkyılmaz.
Thanks for her contribution and the interview.