for eating I’m a sucker for the dumplings and the noodle salad at “Beijing 8”! Usually ends up as my lunch when I’m running between meetings.
for drinking The bar “Yellow”! Good drinks, nice bartenders, and super central. And obviously because it’s named Yellow.
for coffee Snickarbacken 7! It’s got that nice industry vibe, which I LOVE, and nice coffee! Makes it a perfect place for me to pick up my laptop and work.
for dancing The club “Slakthuset” (The Slaughter House) has been my go-to club since I turned 18. Their drum and bass/techno floor is awesome, but there can also be some really good R&B vibes going on on the other floor, and if you ask me that’s the best combo a club can have. So whenever I feel like partying and dancing with my friends until we sweat, this is where I go!
for music Södra Teatern! Nice place, good sound, both established and up-and-coming artists. I’ve seen a couple of my friends there live, and other. It’s always a good vibe.
for escaping I usually do some kind of sport when I really need to escape, like Snowboarding, Climbing, Skateboarding. So I’d say “Hammarbybacken” for snowboarding, “Klätterverket” in Sickla for climbing, and “Highvalley Skatepark” for skate.
for record shopping I actually never buy records. I’ve got an LP-player, and bought two records hoping I’d use it all the time. I don’t. But this reminds me I should! I’d love to start contributing to the market of selling/buying records.
for clothes shopping I love my second hand shopping, so I’d say either “Humana Second Hand”, “Emmaus”, or “Stadsmissionen”.
for first date Hmm, I’ve never done a first date like that. But perhaps the rooftop bar at “Urban Deli” on Sveavägen? Pretty relaxed place with good beer and nice view!
for inspiration I usually get inspiration when I go by bus in Stockholm. You often miss out on the city when you get around with the subway, but our city is built on islands so there’s water everywhere, and the bus usually takes you over two-three bridges in one bus ride. So when I go by bus, I often find myself writing down ideas and lyrics in the notes on my phone, because it reminds me how much this city can inspire me. for walking: Djurgården! It’s really pretty, you get away from the inner city for a while and walk by the water.
for sleeping I’ve never done a staycation in Sthlm, but I’d guess it’s at our fancy Grand Hotel. for the best view: Montelius! I’ve spent many summer nights there on blankets with my friends.
your favorite local place “Vinvalvet” at Södermalm! A smaller place that serves Stockholm’s best tapas, together with some really nice red wine, and has the coziest atmosphere. It’s truly a hidden gem