Bergenian musician Fred Well is one of the newest miracle of the Nordic music wave! He is working with same agency as Sigrid, AURORA, dePresno and many other talented acts, travels between different genres. Known with his silky and smooth voice and he is compared to Morten Harket of famous A-ha.
With his new single ‘More Than A Maybe ‘, the musician brings together his attractive instrumental tunes with his successful vocals and nostalgic sounds of the ’90s. For audiences who are particularly interested in lyrics, Fred Well says that this piece is a good exercise, and almost everyone can relate to lyrics. Whether it’s from love life, work or from a small things in our everyday lives.
“More Than A Maybe, in a few words, we can call it hypnotizing, attractive and one of the most exciting things of your life. Looks like we’ll hear a lot about Fred Well in 2018.