Danes, rejoice! Aarhus, the second biggest city in Denmark, is crowned the European Capital of Culture.
This old Viking town is a perfect mixture of the old and the new. From the city’s gothic cathedral to the contemporary architectural masterpieces such as Isbjerget, Aarhus has long deserved this title.

Aarhus is a sprawling city in terms of culture and economy. Although it houses a bustling nightlife and one of the Denmark’s finest universities, it has always been a little under the shade of Copenhagen Yet, this year, Aarhus has a chance to proove itself to the world as Copehagen’s equal with the motto “Let’s rethink.”
As a part of the European Capital of Culture program, Aarhus will be hosting a plethora of cultural events exhibitions to concerts. For a more detailed information and schedule of events, you can visit this website.
And meanwhile, here’s a stunning timelapse of Aarhus. Enjoy!